Each team shall have available two different sets of clothing in different colours.

The color of the playing dresses will be checked by the referees prior to each game. If the referees consider that the clothing of two teams is likely to cause confusion, the team named second in the playing schedule shall change its clothing to ensure a good contrast.


Prior to each match a match report has to be filled in, signed by the responsible person of the team and given to the timekeeper’s table.
The referee(s) is/are solely responsible for the correctness of the match result during and after the match.



Men 35+ (born 1989. and older)
Men 40+ (born 1984. and older)
Men 45+ (born 1979. and older)
Men 50+ (born 1974. and older)
Men 55+ (born 1969. and older)
Men 60+ (born 1964. and older)
Men 65+ (born 1959. and older)

Women 35+ (born 1989. and older)
Women 40+ (born 1984. and older)
Women 45+ (born 1979. and older)
Women 50+ (born 1974. and older)
Women 55+ (born 1969. and older)
Women 60+ (born 1964. and older)


Playing time  (all categories)
• 4×7 minutes, 2 last minutes of each half time is stooped when there is no play,
• 1 team timeout in 1st half, 1 timeout in 2nd half
• Pauses between quarters 1 minute, halftime 2 minutes

In case of a draw during any game, additional 2 minute overtime is played with team timeouts only if they are left from regular time. Time is stopped when there is no play during last minute of overtime.


The winner of each category will receive the cup and medal.
The teams ranked 1 – 3 of each category at the Masters Basketball World Cup shall receive a trophy and medal.
Each player of a team ranked 1st to 3th in the respective category shall receive a medal (gold for rank 1, silver for rank 2, bronze for rank 3).
Any changes of the Tournament Regulations will be announced before the start of the competition.


The Tournament Accreditation will take place 08.04.2025 , from 08:00 to 15:00 at Multiusos Venue – central reception desk in Hotel Plaža Duće .
The number of players to be put on the players’ list is max. 12 (+ 4 officials). It is obligatory that at least one official per team speaks English.
Only a player with an accreditation can be registered on the players’ list and consequently is eligible to participate in the matches.
One player can play only for one participating team.
In case of a missing health confirmation every player has to sign a Declaration (available at the accreditation desk).



Games are played during period 10:00 –22:00.
Each game has 1 hour slot including warmup sessions.
Every team can have 1 player up to 5 years younger than age limit.
People are fouled out with 5 fouls.
Active players who played during the season in 1st and 2nd tiers of national league system can not participate in the event.
If an event occurs that is not foreseen by the rules of the competition or the valid rules of the basketball game of the competition under the competence of FIBA, the commissioner of the competition for referees in entitled to make a valid decision.
The tiebreaker for the ranking is a head-to-head match, if there is no decision then the score difference is applied. If the winner still can not be decided, then whoever scored more points is a winner.
If the category consists of  teams and less, there are no placement games after all head-to-head matches.